Chi Alpha is...
Chi Alpha Campus Ministries is a mission movement that engages students and faculty on hundreds of campuses in the United States with life’s hardest questions and the relevance of Jesus Christ to all of life. We hope to create an open environment where those outside the church can bring their questions and explore the life of Jesus and where Christian students can find growth and encouragement. Our efforts to reconcile students to Christ and transform the university, the marketplace, and the world have three key aims:

Reach Students: Our focus is to reach college students from a broad spectrum of backgrounds, especially the unchurched, root them in Christ, equip them to be life-long disciples of Christ, and send them out for effective Christian service while in school and after graduation.
Train Leaders: Our goal is to develop students into Christ-centered laborers while they are in school as well as when they pursue employment in the marketplace. We also work to recruit, develop, and release men and women for missionary service on campus.​

Influence Nations: Reaching international students while they study in America is one way to impact nations. Another is to mobilize International and American students for vocational service overseas. We also send campus missionaries to key university centers.